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Overview of 1 Kings

Author: Speculated to be Levites or priests, the author or authors of the book is unknown.

Date: 1-2 Kings could not have been written before the sixth century B.C.. It is most likely written around the years 539-330 B.C.

The Purpose:

As the title of the book indicates, 1 Kings describes the period of the monarchy in ancient Israel (970–586 B.C.), concentrating on the kings who ruled after David.

1 Kings is to show Yahweh is the only true God. He controls nature and history. Yahweh is a promise giver, and demands our exclusive worship. 1 Kings shows us God continues to reveal his character, and there are just consequences for those who go against him.


1 and 2 Kings were originally written as one unified book that builds off the book of Samuel. It shows us the succession of Israel’s kings after David. This book is meant to show that none of these kings lived up to the promise established by God for a messianic kingdom over the nations and fulfill the promise made to Abraham. 1-2 Kings shows these kings would eventually lead the nation into its own destruction.

The Book of 1 Kings can be broken into three major sections:

Ch. 1-11 Solomon’s reign —>

Ch. 12-16 Israel’s North vs. South —>

Ch. 17-22 Israel’s Kings vs. Prophets —> 2Kings

And so now we get into our book chapters 1-10

Section 1

The Reign of Solomon CH.1-11

A. Adonijah attempts to claim the throne ch. 1

B. David’s final words to Solomon Ch.2

C. The Death of King David Ch.2:10 40 years

D. Solomons reign is established Ch.2:13

E. Solomon prays for Godly wisdom Ch.3

F. Solomon’s officials and his increasing wisdom and wealthy Ch. 4

G. The Preparation for the building of the temple Ch. 5

H. The building of the temple and Solomons palace Ch.6-7

I. The ark of the covenant brought to the temple Ch.8:1-11

J. Solomons prayer dedication and closing ceremoniesCh.8:22-66

K. God appears to Solomon with the choice of blessing and curse Ch. 9

L. The Queen of Sheba comes to visit. Ch.10:1-13

M. Solomons growing wealth Ch. 10:14-29

N. Solomons leaves his God for the curse. Ch.11:1-11

0. With the curse comes adversaries Hadad, Rezon, and Jeroboam 11:14-40

P. The Death of King Solomon ch.11:41-43

Section 2

A Kingdom Divided: Israel vs. Judah Ch. 12-16

A. Rehoboam continues in his father’s hedonism

A kingdom stripped ch. 12

B. The Man of God from Judah ch.13

C. The Rise and fall of Jeroboam and Rehoboam ch. 14

D. The succession of Israel and Judah’s Kings ch.15-16

E. Introduction of Ahab

Section 3

A Kingdom Divided: Kings vs. Priests Ch. 17-22

A. Elijah predicts a drought ch.17:1-7

B. Elijah raises a child to life ch. 17:17-24

C. Elijah confronts Ahab ch.18:1-17

D. Elijah and the Prophets of Baal ch.18:20-46

E. Elijah flees Jezebel ch.19:1-3

F. The Lord cares and speaks to Elijah. ch.19:4-18

G. The call of Elisha ch 19:19-21

H. Ahab’s Wars with Syria ch.20

I. Jezebel kills an innocent gardener & Elijah returns to denounce the crimes of Ahab’s family ch21:1-24

J. Ahab repents and God relents ch.21:1-29

K. Ahab is killed in battled after listening to false prophets. 22:13-40

L. Jehosphat’s son Jehoram reigned in Judah, and Ahab’s son reigned in Israel 22:40-53

Final Thoughts on 1 Kings:

1. The people of God, out of a love for God, must fight the flesh the entirety of their life.

2. As a promise keeper, God’s prophetic word cannot be nullified.

3. Yahweh deserves sole allegiance. He is not just another religious option.

4. God is way more gracious to us than we could imagine.

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